Prayer Bombs

07-awaken-the-groan Song from Corey Russel’s album I bought at International House of Prayer (IHOP)

Prayer BOMBS!  Get blown up with the power of the Holy Spirit’s presence.

This page is a place you can get prayed over when no one else is there for you to pray for you.  Hopefully I will be able to leave some audio prayers as well.

We serve the Lion of Judah,  Jesus Christ.  Just like the lion is the king of the jungle.  Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe and of our hearts.  This is a place to fight for each other’s hearts and for the Love of Jesus Christ to infultrate into people, places and in nations through prayer.

Also this page  a place where other people can type out their prayers for the ministry or for random people who they feel led to pray for that would visit this page .

For now May Jesus fill you fresh with a new dose of his love In Jesus name.


MERCY is God’s supply system for every need everywhere

MERCY is that kindness, compassion and tenderness which is a passion to suffer with, or participate in, another’s ills or evils in order to relieve, heal and restore.

MERCY accepts another freely and gladly AS he is and supplies the needed good of life to build up and to bring to peace and to keep in peace.

MERCY is to take another into one’s heart JUST AS HE IS and cherish and nourish him there.

MERCY takes another’s sins and evils and faults as its own and frees the other by bearing them to God

This is the Glow-of-Love.

This is the Anointing.

by Rex Andrews in his book: What the Bible Teaches about Mercy



1.  Lord, I thank you for ________________.  I thank you for saving him/her.  Thank you for what you have done and are doing in their life.  (Eph 1:16; Phil. 4:6;Col 1:3, 1 thes. 1:2;3:9; 5:18; 2 Thes.2:13)

2.  Make ___________ to know Jesus.  Help him/her to increase in the knowledge of God.  Destroy speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God and Help him.her to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  (John 17:3; 2 Cor. 10:5, Col 1:10; 2:3; 3:10)

3.  Make _________ poor in spirit.  Bring him/her down, Lord, but please do it gently.  Help him/her to see their neediness.  Help them to see themselves in the light of you.  Put him/her in their rightful place, Lord. (Ps. 51:17; Matt. 5:3;  Prov. 29:23; Isa. 66:2; 1 Peter 5:5

4.  Fill__________ with your Holy Spirit.  Immerse him in your Spirit, Lord.  Come to him in power and might.  Baptize him in fire, Lord.   (Luke 3:16; John 1:3; Gal 5:16; Eph. 5:18; Acts 2:17,18, 38)

5.  Life________________.  Life him/her according to Thy Loving-kindness.  Pour out your life-giving mercies ninto his/her soul.  (Ps. 80:18, 119:25,37,50,88,107,149,154,156,159; Ps. 143:11; Ro. 8:11

6.  Bless__________.  Lord, bless him in everything he touches.  Bless him spiritually, physically, and financially.  Bless his loved ones.  Do for him, Lord, instead of me. (Gen. 12:1-3; Prov. 10:22; Matt. 5:44, Ro. 12:14, 20; 1 Peter 2:23; 3:9)

7.  Mercy______________.  Flood him with need-filling mercies.  Pour them out in super abundance.  Find and meet every need in his life.  Flood the one I am looking at in my heart and mind, with fulfilling mercies, filling all his/her need.  As you have mercied me, so mercy him/her.  (Ps. 86:5; Hosea 6:6; Matt 9:13; 2 Cor. 1:3)


Above this motive tester is to ask yourself questions before, during and after the fast to make sure your heart is right with God and your bad motives get exposed and put at the feet of Jesus .

Fasting Chart

( I coulnd’t load the excel document, if you want this email me and I’ll give it to you others wise copy and paste.) or

Fasting Chart Old Testament
I = Individual 1 = no food, no drink 4 = Vegetables 6 = Intercession
C = Corporate 2 = no food  3 = particial 5 = non food fast 7 = Mourning
(39 OT) (16 NT)
Scripture Type of Fast Reason Result (answer to fast)
Exodus 12:15-20
Exodus 19:15
Exodus 24:18
Exodus 34:28
Deuteronomy 9:9
Deuteronomy 9:18
Leviticus 16:19-31
Leviticus 23:32
Judges 20:26
1 Samuel 31:13
2 Samuel 12:22-23
1 Kings 13
1 Kings 19:8
1 Kings 21:27
1 Kings 31:9,12
1 Chronicles 10:12
2 Chronicles 20:3-4
Ezra 8:21
Ezra 10:6
Nehemiah 1:4
Nehemiah 9:1
Esther 4:3
Esther 4:16
Esther 9:31
Psalms 35:13
Psalms 69:10
Psalms 109:24
Isaiah 1:13
Isaiah 58
Jeremiah 14:12
Jeremiah 16:8
Jeremiah 36:6,9
Ezekial 4:1-7
Daniel 6:18
Daniel 9:3
Joel 1:14
Joel 2:12-15
Jonah 3:5, 7-10
Zechariah 7:3,5
Matthew 6:16
Matthew 9:15
Matthew 11:18
Mark 2:12,18-20
Luke 2:36-38
Luke 4:2
Luke 5:35
Luke 7:33
Luke 18:12
Acts 13:1-4
Acts 14:23
Acts 23:21
1 Corinthians 7:5
2 Corinthians 6:5
Collosians 2:20-23
1 Timothy 4:3

Prayer verses

Self Discipline in Sexuality

Healing Prayer

Ephesians Prayer

01-prayer-1-eph-1_16-19-1 To Purchase Prayer and Intercession by Dwayne Roberts go to IHOP or go here for his other CD.


2 Comments on “Prayer Bombs

  1. Taylor,

    Your commitment to athletes and to the Lord are fantastic and I am hoping my players are learning from you how to live life to the fullest and how to live life the correct way on a path lit by Jesus Christ.


  2. Taylor, this is a cool idea!

    Love the picture up top. It reminds me of Proverbs 28:1 “The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.”

    May He fill you with boldness as you walk the adventure ahead–blessing you to be fully dangerous and fully trustworthy, walking in confident humility, fully engaged in using the authority you’ve been given–nothing more and nothing less…because the One that you belong to walks before you, behind you and beside you EVERY step of the way.

    Enjoy the journey! =)


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